Thursday, August 11, 2011

KVAR Testimonials and Case Studies Hijacked

Testimonials, Application Case Studies, and Photos featured on the KVAR NATIONAL website are from actual homeowners, businesses, and industries and are exclusive to KVAR NATIONAL.  They are all KVAR NATIONAL customers.

We are flattered to see many of our KVAR installations mentioned on another Kvar Distributor’s blog.

Many Testimonials, Case Studies, and Photos mentioned on other company’s websites and blogs are actually Kvar Installations provided by KVAR NATIONAL.

A KVAR Distributor from California took the liberty of copying and rewriting information and other facts.  Others have copied our installation pictures.  All are portraying them as their own. It is unfortunate that there has been a lack of citation and attribution

Testimonials and Case Studies that these represent are located on the KVAR NATIONAL website, not the company represented on other websites and blogs.

Be aware of sources on the internet. 

Our website contains information and data of KVAR NATIONAL customers exclusively.  Additional information available on request.

Method.  Apparatus.  Experience.

The KVAR Energy Controller 
The Original and Patented Energy Controller

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