Thursday, August 18, 2011

Investments loosing Steam? Install a KVAR Unit

Kvar Home Unit
With low interest rates and the Stock Market in flux, where can the average person invest?

Invest in - and install -  a KVAR unit from KVAR NATIONAL.  

Return on investment (ROI) for the average homeowner is over 50% the first year, over 50% the second-- and the savings continue, year after year.  (12-year warranty, 25-year life expectancy)

Where else can you get that kind of Return on Investment?

Savings begin from the moment of installation!

Call today for pricing.  Installation information. 

Quantity pricing available for Electricians and Contractors.
Opportunities available - Ask about becoming a KVAR Distributor

To Order, Call toll-free: (888) KVAR NAT (888 582-7628)

For More information, please visit our website:  KVAR NATIONAL


Kvar Home Unit