A geothermal system is an effective way to keep a home at a constant and comfortable temperature without using oil or gas. The largest obstacle to installing a geothermal system is that electrical consumption goes up.
To lower the electrical consumption, 2 “residential sized” KVAR units (PU1200) were installed on the 2 200 amp panels featured in our Case Study.
Over a 6-month period, this home owner was able to reduce his electrical consumption by 3057 kw. At 17¢ a kw, the savings amounted to over $535, over 19% of consumption. Results page of Case Study.
This is just one of the Case Studies, exclusive to KVAR NATIONAL.
We are flattered to see so many of our KVAR installations mentioned on another Kvar Distributor’s blog. Another company took the liberty of copying and rewriting facts and information on their blog, portraying it as his own. It is unfortunate that there has been a lack of citation and attribution.
Be aware of sources on the internet.
Our website contains information and data of KVAR NATIONAL customers exclusively. Additional information available on request.
Why choose KVAR NATIONAL? We will not be undersold. Check out our prices.
Why choose KVAR NATIONAL? We will not be undersold. Check out our prices.
Method. Apparatus. Experience.