Thursday, September 29, 2011

Green Energy Investment and KVAR

The US Government has given tons of taxpayer cash to companies and communities to “invest” in “Green Energy” projects and jobs, to stimulate the economy.   Many of these taxpayer handouts to “renewable energy” companies are the result of lobbyists in Washington and major contributors to elected officials.

Have these “investments” stimulated the economy or created new jobs?

Is “renewable energy” Cost-effective?  Even with subsidies, “renewable energy” today barely makes a dent on our energy needs. Graph from the EIA (U.S. Energy Information Administration) clearly shows this. "Energy Consumption by End-Use Sector" 

The cost of "Renewable Energy” can be staggering.  NJ installed Solar Panels   on Utility Power Poles for “show and tell”.   The price tag on that “investment”: $770 Million.

People ask us if KVAR, our “Green Energy” product qualifies them to receive a Government rebate or tax deduction.  Our product is so economical that the low price should be incentive enough to purchase it.
KVAR NATIONAL improves efficiency of motors in a cost-effective way to reduce electrical losses, and to save energy costs. Kvar Home Unit

Homes: If every home installed a unit, we would save about 10% of electrical consumption.   Relief for the Electrical Grid. 

Business and industry: Save on Demand Charges and line losses. Increase electrical capacity at the facility.  

KVAR NATIONAL does this with custom sizing to inductive loads.

For more information, please visit our website 

Why choose KVAR NATIONAL?  Purchase unit