Friday, October 7, 2011

Energy Sales Professionals Wanted

Do you currently market an energy product? Are your customers a mix of residential and commercial customers? KVAR is the product that can round out your current portfolio.

Installing KVAR units at motor loads in business and industry and panel units in homes and small businesses save money and energy.  This technology is called Power Factor Correction.

"Copycat" products are plentiful on the internet.  Our product is UL listed. Many impostor products may include UL listed products within their assembly, but the entire product is not UL listed. A representative from UL visits KVAR Energy Savings Corporation in Daytona Beach, FL regularly and approves the product.  This is different from many other products, manufactured in China or in someone's residential garage. NASA Tested.

Become a KVAR Dealer with KVAR NATIONAL.

KVAR NATIONAL is NOT an MLM, and there is no cost to you.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

KVAR Distributors Wanted

KVAR NATIONAL is currently seeking energetic people interested in investing in their own Green Energy business.  

Become a KVAR NATIONAL Distributor.  Investment is required.  Includes purchasing our Patented Sizing Equipment.  Continuing training and technical support offered.  Exclusive Video . 

Improving Power Factor 
in Industry is recommended in a number of white papers and government suggestions.

Already involved in the “Green Energy” business?  KVAR is a great addition to your list of existing products and services.
Many believe that the “Green Energy” sector is exclusive to those working in the “renewable energy” technology industries: The manufacture, sales, and installation of wind, solar, and geothermal.  
KVAR Distributors are in a business that reduces electrical consumption. When homes and businesses use less electricity, the utility company uses less gas, oil, and coal to produce electricity.  KVAR is Energy Efficiency.
Our KVAR units are UL Listed (Not just the components- the entire product.)  Other Certifications.   Made in USA, not in China or in someone’s residential garage.   Beware of Imposters.  Insist on the Genuine Kvar Energy Savings Unit.
The KVAR NATIONAL Advantage: We offer Continuing Education and Technical Support.  Certified Trainer, Kvar Energy Savings Corporation.
NO TERRITORIES - NOT AN MLM (Multi Level Marketing)


KVAR Beats Electric Meter


Kvar Meter Beater

Save money at the Electric Meter - LEGALLY!  "Beat" the electric meter!

These units are installed at the "load side" of the electric meter - the "customer" side.   Installing a Meter Beater at the Circuit breaker panel will save the average homeowner 10% on their electric bill.

Be aware that the internet has many posts, with contrary information about KVAR.  As with any subject on the internet, it is important to evaluate the source of the content.  Many of these websites have other agendas and products to sell, and use negative tactics to promote their goal. 

Many of these sites sell products that claim to be the same as our product.  Many of these products claim to be UL listed.  These impostors may use components that are UL listed, but their product is not.  UL visits the KVAR Energy Savings manufacturing facility regularly to insure that the components and the final product meet specifications. 

Some competitors have products made in China, or worse yet: someone's residential garage.

The KVAR METER BEATER is manufactured in the USA.

KVAR METER BEATER UNITS are Installed at the Circuit Breaker

KVAR METER BEATER UNITS are recommended when there are multiple intermittent loads cycling on and off throughout the day. 

Installing a KVAR METER BEATER at the top breaker of a Circuit Breaker Panel intercepts the reactive current, and “recycles” it back to the motors. You consume less, making this product a true Meter Beater.

Saving Money in the home 

A KVAR METER BEATER saves money and energy on the cost of operating motors : Washers, Dryers, Dishwashers, Air Conditioning, Pool.

A KVAR METER BEATER unit will not save energy with Electrical devices like Lighting, TV and Gaming systems and home security systems. If these are the type of devices running constantly in your home, your best way to save energy is through “conservation”: turn them off.  

KVAR NATIONAL sells these same units under the name “Kvar Energy Controller”, Kvar Home Unitmanufactured by Kvar Energy Savings Inc.  Purchase your Kvar Energy Controller today!

Engineering Studies for Power Factor Correction

Electrical Engineering Studies. They can be costly. 

Evaluating Inductive Loads for Power Factor Correction need not be that way.

KVAR NATIONAL has the expertise, knowledge, and experience to optimize the Power Factor of motors. 
KVAR NATIONAL uses Patented Apparatus and Method to quickly determine
capacitance required to optimize Power Factor for each inductive load.

KVAR NATIONAL eliminates the need for costly and time-consuming Engineering Studies.   

KVAR NATIONAL keeps Facility project costs down.  Installation Options include:

(888) 582-7628
  • Your “In-house” Electricians or Electrical Contractor of your choice.
  • Electrical Services provided, complete turnkey, from beginning of project through installation
KVAR NATIONAL Testimonials, Case Studies, Information and Photos are all customers of KVAR NATIONAL.   

KVAR NATIONAL product is UL Listed. Other Certifications.

KVAR NATIONAL is Fully Insured.Kvar Installation

KVAR NATIONAL is a Master Distributor, Recruiting and Training new Distributors, Electricians and Salespersons.

For more information, contact Gwen at 

or call toll-free:

Sunday, October 2, 2011

KVAR Home Unit ON SALE $95

This is a genuine KVAR Home Unit (regularly $399) 


Purchase through Pay-Pal

Installing a Kvar unit at your home circuit breaker panel will save you money while motors are running.  Motors include washer, dryer, freezer, air conditioning.

Installation and Technical information.

Our Kvar unit will save homeowners about 10% of their annual electrical consumption, and most of the savings are over the summer months.  How much will you save with a Kvar installation?   Each family uses energy differently, and savings will vary.   

Be sure that you install the genuine UL Listed product.  Many say their product is UL Listed; their components may be UL Listed but the product is not.  Other products may be made in China- or in someone’s residential garage.  More about Imposters. Kvar Home Unit
This is a genuine KVAR Home Unit (regularly $399)  ON SALE FOR $95!

KVAR reduces electric bill, Geothermal home

A geothermal system is an effective way to keep a home at a constant and comfortable temperature without using oil or gas. The largest obstacle to installing a geothermal system is that electrical consumption goes up. 
To lower the electrical consumption, 2 “residential sized” KVAR units (PU1200) were installed on the 2 200 amp panels featured in our Case Study.
Over a 6-month period, this home owner was able to reduce his electrical consumption by 3057 kw. At 17¢ a kw, the savings amounted to over $535, over 19% of consumption. Results page of Case Study.

This is just one of the Case Studies, exclusive to KVAR NATIONAL.

We are flattered to see so many of our KVAR installations mentioned on another Kvar Distributor’s blog.   Another company took the liberty of copying and rewriting facts and information on their blog, portraying it as his own. It is unfortunate that there has been a lack of citation and attribution.
Be aware of sources on the internet. 
Our website contains information and data of KVAR NATIONAL customers exclusively.  Additional information available on request.

Why choose KVAR NATIONAL?  We will not be undersold.  Check out our prices.
Method.  Apparatus.  Experience.