Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Everyone uses Energy Differently

If you were to examine how energy is used in two homes that seem identical -both with the same appliances and materials- you will find that each home owner uses energy differently. The number of occupants in the home, their ages, temperature requirements ("blizzard setting" on air conditioners vs. using fans and opening windows) all play an important part in energy consumption.

KVAR NATIONAL guarantees that you will save energy when you install a KVAR unit.  How much savings? 

We ask a few questions before we sell a KVAR unit.  Most everyone has a washer, dryer, refrigerator, freezer- you will save some money installing a KVAR unit. 

Do you have central Air Conditioning?  How often do you run it?  Our experience is that this group of home owners save $200 over the course of a year with our standard PU1200 Home Unit installed. If you also have a pool, spa or hot tub, or Koi pond-- you will save even more.

At our Home Shows, we have met some folks who use far less energy than the previous group. We have a smaller unit for them: we offer them a PU1050.  This is a great size for condos and mobile homes. 

Then there are those folks who just don't use much energy: a $60 electric bill is their norm.  We won't sell them a KVAR unit. 

We want all of our KVAR Owners to be satisfied. We guarantee savings.

The KVAR Energy Recycler will save you money without change of lifestyle.

Purchase Kvar Unit

Monday, June 27, 2011

Kvar Energy Savings in my Home

What kind of savings can I expect after installing a Kvar unit on my home?

Have you ever looked at your receipt after making a large purchase and noticed the amount of sales tax you just paid? 

What if you made that same purchase and received that "sales tax" amount back in an "instant rebate"?

That's what happens when you install a Kvar unit in your home.  The "large purchase" is your electric bill, and you receive an "instant rebate" of about 7% off your electric bill.
The percentage of Savings depends on a few factors.   How many motors (inductive loads) do you run?  (Washer, dryer, fans, spa, koi pond.)  The majority of savings in the home is from Air Conditioning. We do this through Power Factor Correction.

If you live in a warm climate like Arizona or Florida and your home Air Conditioning systems and pool run for 10 months of the year, you will save even more.  
In New Jersey, the warmer temperatures to run Air Conditioners and pools are about 4 or 5 months.  Many New Jersey homeowners save between 12-17% a year on their electric bill.

That can add up to over $150 each year.  Over 10 years, you will have saved over $1500.  And since Home Units are guaranteed for 12 years, you'll still have 2 more years of your warranty left!

And your savings don't end there.  The Life Expectancy of a Kvar Unit 25 years, saving you money, year after year.


Purchase Kvar Home Unit

Applications for Business and Industry

Business and Industry save even more by improving Power Quality of motors.  We “Custom-Size” Kvar units to inductive loads, using our Patented Method and Apparatus.  Case Studies 

Friday, June 24, 2011

Renewable Energy, Efficiency, Conservation: What does it all mean?

Renewable Energy, Efficiency, Conservation: What does it all mean?

"Renewables" are those energy sources that will generate power and are viewed to have less impact to the environment than methods used traditionally. Solar, Wind, Wave, and Bio-fuels are examples of Renewables. A self-sustaining Electrical "Grid" is designed for the customer to generate electrical power. 

"Renewable energy is energy which comes from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and geothermal heat, which are renewable (naturally replenished)." More, 

Are Renewables “Cost-effective?” Even with subsidies, "renewable" energy today barely makes a dent on our energy needs. 
Graph from the EIA (U.S. Energy Information Administration) clearly shows this. "Energy Consumption by End-Use Sector" 

The cost of "Renewable" energy can be staggering.  NJ has installed Solar Panels 
on Utility Power Poles at a cost of $770 Million. 

Conservation occurs with a reduction in consumption.  One example of conservation is to turn off  lights 
to save energy. If you are reading, studying, or doing close tedious work, turning off lights may not be practical. Other examples of conservation include turning off appliances and gadgets you are not using, adjusting your thermostat, or unplugging devices after they are charged.  Changing home thermostat settings to less comfortable temperatures, taking shorter showers, and reducing the amount of lighting are methods that involve a change in Lifestyle. More Programs available from the Power Company, including Smart Meters.   

Energy Efficiency is not the same as energy conservation.  Efficiency uses less energy to operate appliances, without change in Lifestyle, and reduces your electric bill.  An example of efficiency is replacing a light bulb with a more efficient one. You save energy, and the room is properly illuminated.

Homes, businesses, and industry can improve electrical efficiency. This graph shows electrical losses in residential, industrial, commercial sectors. Energy Consumption by End-Use Sector, EIA  

Improving efficiency of motors is a cost-effective way to reduce electrical losses, and to save energy costs- without change in Lifestyle.  

Kvar Energy Controllers by Kvar National improve the efficiency of motors independently, or in conjunction with Renewable energy sources.  Kvar National does this by improving the
Power Factor

Kvar National.  Saving money in Homes, Businesses, and Industry.

“Intelligent Energy”, Schneider Electric.  June 2011, pages 12 & 13.  “Energy efficiency: the key to a profitable future”
EIA: Independent Statistics & Analysis, US Energy Information Administration, http://www.eia.gov/

"What do the Power Companies think about Kvar?" Electric Companies use the same technology.
What Power Companies don't want you to know.. 

How do you dispose of a broken or “spent” CFL?

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Did you get your Electric Bill this month?

Did you know that there is a lot of waste in the distribution of electricity?              

Power companies put capacitors on their lines to limit their losses. These installations do not reduce your bill. They are beneficial to them.

Their purpose is for "Power Factor Correction".

You can bring the same technology to your home or business with Kvar.

Summer always brings high electric bills because of all the motors we use. Electricians and Engineers refer to these as “inductive loads”. Residential use motors include air conditioners, fans, pools, spas, sprinkler systems and koi ponds. 

Installing a Kvar unit at your home circuit breaker panel will save you money when these motors are running. (More technical information.) 

Our Kvar unit will save homeowners about 10% of their annual electrical consumption, and most of the savings are over the summer months.  How much will you save with a Kvar installation?   Each family uses energy differently

Be sure that you install the genuine UL Listed product.  “Counterfeit” products with lower price points abound on the internet.  Many say they are UL Listed; their components may be UL Listed but the product is not.  Their product may be made in China- or in someone’s residential garage.  More.

KVAR NATIONAL  guarantees that you will save energy when you install a KVAR unit.  For more information, call us at 888 KVAR NAT, (888 582-7628)  Purchase information

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer Electric Bills Too High?

Ahhh, Summer.  Hot dogs, swimming pools, and gathering with friends outdoors.

Summer also brings higher electric bills.  We use more electricity in the summer months.  Air conditioners, fans, pools, spas, sprinkler systems and koi ponds.  Electricians and Engineers refer to these as “inductive loads”. 

Installing a Kvar unit at your home circuit breaker panel will save you money when these motors are running. (More technical information.) 
Our Kvar unit will save homeowners about 10% of their annual electrical consumption, and most of the savings are over the Summer months.  How much will you save with a Kvar installation?   Each family uses energy differently

A word of warning: There are impostor products listed on the internet that do not perform the same way as this genuine UL listed product. Our complete Kvar product is UL Listed, not just its components.  It is manufactured and installed according to article 460 of the NEC. Made in USA. 

KVAR NATIONAL  guarantees that you will save energy when you install a KVAR unit.  For more information, call us at 888 KVAR NAT, (888 582-7628)